Winter is here again that means rain, snow and cold weather. Temperatures average around 50 degrees at best. If you want to keep your body warm you could add layers by putting on a heavy coat, scarf and lighting up the fireplace. But before you layer up don’t forget about your skin. Your hair and skin also need a layer of protection during the winter. Dry flaky skin, chapped lips, brittle, frizzy and limp hair are direct results of winter’s chill. Here are some ways to keep your skin and hair hydrated, nourished and moisturized.

1. HYDRATE! Drink lots of water. Our bodies are made up of 70 percent water. With so many brands of bottled water, you’d think it wouldn’t matter what kind you drink. After all, it’s just water right? Well, although that is true whether you are drinking tap water or regular bottled water it is acidic. The best water I like to drink is Alkaline water. Alkaline water is less acidic. It keeps me hydrated. Gives me energy. It neutralizes the free radicals and flushes out toxins in the body. The pH level (A measure of acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances.) of pure water is 7. Water with a pH lower than 7 is considered acidic.The normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5 and ground water systems pH is between 6 to 8.5. You can find alkaline water at most grocery stores or invest in water companies that specialize in alkaline water.
Shea Butter
2. NOURISH YOUR HAIR! Our hair is considered our crown and glory. If its dry, brittle, frizzy or just overall damaged, it can make us feel not so put together. We spend a lot of time and money in treating our hair with dyes, hot curlers, straighteners, gels, and chemical based products. Statistics show that in 2018 over half a million Americans spent $500 or more on haircare products (Statista 2018). Healthy hair begins with healthy eating and healthy products. DIFL Whipped Shea Body Butters are so smooth and creamy, you can use them to moisturize your hair and scalp. Our butters contain nourishing ingredients like Coconut oil and Avocado oil which leave the hair soft and manageable. We have even received reports from people experiencing hair loss that our butters are growing their hair. Now that’s exciting and worth trying!

1 of 7 heavenly scented body butters to choose from.
3. MOISTURIZE! Take a look at your skin. Is it glowing, soft and supple? If it is, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your skin is healthy and happy! On the other hand, if it’s dry, ashy, wrinkled, cracked and/or blemished, then there’s work to do! However, don’t fear, “Did It For Love” Natural Handmade Skin Care is here!!! We use the best Grade A Raw unrefined (Color ranges from light yellow to deep golden yellow) shea butter from Ghana. We make natural moisturizers that your skin will love. Shea Butter is simply the best natural moisturizer you can put on your skin. It has so many nourishing benefits like Vitamins A, E and F. When applied to the skin, it can aid in healing numerous skin conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis and Blemishes. It can also aid in smoothing Wrinkles, Stretch Mark prevention during pregnancy, Muscle Fatigue and Radiation treatments. Consistent use of DIFL’S whipped shea body butter will dramatically improve your skin, revealing a smooth, soft glow. Try it for yourself. You will see the difference. It is so noticeable, friends, family and even strangers will tell you…“Your skin is so nice, what do you use?” Please share and tell them it’s DIFL!
There are so many products on the market today that it can be daunting and exhausting as to what to use and if it will really work. When it comes to Did It For Love Natural Handmade Skin Care we care about what our families are putting in their hair and on their skin. That’s why our ingredients in our body butters, lip balms, natural deodorants are Grade A USDA ORGANIC natural products. When shopping for skin and hair products, be sure to read the ingredient list. If there are scientific words of a chemical substance or compound, Google it and see if its something natural or synthetic. Harmful ingredients are often masked in scientific wording. For example, If know you’re allergic to Coconuts then you already know not to use Coconut oil. However, you may not know if you’re allergic to a synthetic ingredient until you put it on your skin and take the risk of breaking out in a skin rash.
With these tips in mind, you can protect and preserve your skin through the rough and dry winter months and when spring and summer hit, you can reveal your beautiful glowing skin!
Statista Consumer Goods & FMCG 2018